
Monday, September 6, 2010

Away we go...

It's about 10 minutes to 2 am. I'm just waiting to leave for school so we can all ride out to the airport together. I said goodbye to everyone. Oh how I hate goodbyes! They're hard! They make me so sad!

I think I have everything I need. Most importantly I have my passport, visa and ticket...and a three month supply of Burt's Bees chapstick. I like to be prepared for anything. ;)

I guess I'm kind of nervous. I'm excited too. Quite honestly I am feeling a whole lot of things now. Tiredness is one of them. I think tonight is going to be an all-nighter...hopefully I'll sleep on the plane.

You know, last year at this time I never would have thought I'd be getting ready to head to China for 13 weeks. Last year at this time I had no idea I would be studying ceramics at all. I feel like this past year has been a whirlwind. A wonderful, exciting, exhausting whirlwind. I wouldn't change a thing about it. I am trusting that this semester (which has already been a wonderful, exciting and exhausting whirlwind and we're only 2 weeks in) will be the beginning of another great adventure. But really, guys...I'm going to miss you all terribly! I already miss you all! And I just want you to know that I'm so grateful for the encouraging comments, notes, last minute visits and promises to pray for me. I'll be praying for you all too!

Well. It's 2 am now. I should shut this down and get ready to leave. I'll talk to you all again from China!

1 comment:

  1. So weird to think that you are gone. Well you will be back... after 13 weeks, Dang it! Out having an adventure with out me! Well, I am going to miss you! Have fun in China!

